Wednesday, December 8, 2010

My Opinion About U.S. Government Taking Control OF Children’s Nutrition

I think that the government should take action by having healthier food in public schools; I remember elementary, middle and high school eating burgers. Burgers are not healthy at all. 
Obesity rates in the U.S. are scarry. Did you know that in 2007 and 2008 11.9% of children between 6 and 9 were obese and 16.9% were overweight? This numbers are scary because the 11.9% of overweight children at this time can be obese and probably have Diabetes or other health problems. I am glad that Obama and the senate wants to pass this expensive bill but they have to decide what kind of food are children going to eat and I personally think that the burgers should be eliminate from the kids school meal.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Global Warming

Global warming is a very serious and important problem that needs to be resolve. I heard that the president and some other leaders got together in 2009 to talk about global warming, but what do they bring home? The only thing they bring home is the hope that they will prevent the increase of global warming. Looks like the government only cares about is making profit and to make themselves look as the best government. People are tire of promises, we want the government to take action, and we want the government to use their power to help prevent the extinction of more animals. The government should use their power to pass laws that helps the prevention of global warming, the government also has the opportunity to talk to some other leaders and by that they can get to a conclusion that can help save the lives of many polar bears and other animals affected by the global warming. Remember that global warming is a change in our environment that can also harm many people. Our job as citizens is to use our public opinion to make the government take action. 

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Opinion about "U.S.-Mexico 'war on drugs' a failure"

 Mexico has a enormous vast problem with drug dealers and cartels, but what is the United States going to fight with? Is it the Mexican cartels or the Mexican government? I grew up in Mexico and I know what I’m talking about: the president and Mexican governors are working with Mexican cartels to get money from the people. Is sad to know that many of us can’t go to Mexico to visit our family and friends and it’s not because you don’t have any legal documents to come back, but because you can get kill the first day you spend in Mexico. But, where is the Mexican government? They are too busy getting the backs of all the Mexican cartels. Mexican government do not arrest the real leaders of the cartels in Mexico, they only arrest members of the cartels that they think can be traitors. I just hope that on 2012 the new president will end it up, just as fast as the last president created these horrible groups of people that tortures people and makes them pay fees for living in Mexican towns. Is hard to prove all this because the government doesn't let news reporters to write stuff about it, and that is why a lot of news reporters in mexico are kill every day, and i know this because I lived it.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Do we have a fair government?

he United States of America has the stereotype of being a fair government that cares about all its citizen no matter what. But what is a fair government? We are supposed to be a fair government that cares about all its citizens, but does the US government care about all its citizens? or only for those that will help the people in the government to get higher positions? In my opinion, the ugly truth is that our government is not as fair as it seems to be. Powerful interest groups make our government corrupt and only rich people get the benefits of it.  Does the United States of America have the worst government? The Answer will vary, and it depends on the person answering the question. In my opinion, our country has its bad and good sides. I think that the United States of America does not have the worst government in the world but does not have the best either. I also believe that “ the perfect government” does not exist, and humans cannot have too many power because they will take all the advantages of their power for their own benefits and they will forget about the poor or the weakest people. I think that the congress has too many power and that’s  not fair because the decisions of congress will have an impact on the lives of all US citizens. We are a big nation and is almost impossible to have all the people happy, so think about other places like Cuba or China. I think the US government is doing well even though is not the best government in the world, we are not under a totalitarian or communist government. I think that we need to take action and get involved in our national and state governments.

Monday, October 4, 2010

How to Spot your Neighbors?

The article called “How to Spot a Terrorist” by John Farmer Jr. talks about why we should spot our neighbors and gives some examples of terrorist attacks, like the shootings at Fort Hood Texas, the attempted bombing of jetliner on Christmas Day and the Times Square bombing attempt . This article also talks about a project taken the Justice Department called the Nationwide Suspicious Activity Reporting Initiative that have set up “fusion center” in about a dozen cities, where people can report suspicious activities and the “fusion centers” will collect and analyze the information. The author of the article also wrote that the government consulted with the civil liberties groups to make sure that the program would not lowered the individual privacy.
In my opinion there is no way that this method against terrorism will not violate the 4th amendment to the constitution that ensures the privacy of the people. The example that the author gives at the beginning of the article about a young man that goes to home depot and buys acetone and then goes to a beauty supply store and buys hydrogen peroxide and goes and takes pictures at a federal building is not a good example because Acetone is used by most girls when they want to take off their nail polish and the hydrogen peroxide is used to bleach hair, he could buy those thing for his wife or and he went to take pictures of a federal building because he has a project about federal building or in his job he was asked to bring some pictures about federal buildings. But he also could be a terrorist but what if he is not? No one is guilty until proven, I think that the government should use another security methods that doesn’t involve spying your neighbor because that will only cause more problems to our communities.
How to Spot a Terrorist

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Would The Dream Come True?

The Article "Dream Time" posted on talks about an amendment that could give citizenship to young immigrants that could earn a college degree or serve in the military for at least two years. This article is worth reading because amendments and promises like this one makes people stay here hopping that they will get their residence or “green card”, some people and members of the senate wants immigrants out of the U.S. but they don’t realize that sometimes they give them hope to stay.
 The article is interesting but the truth is that they decided not to approve that amendment and its ok, but what are they going to do with 11 million people living here without proper documentation? I have seen Hispanic news several times and I only see legislators talking about immigration reforms and affirming that they are going to legalize all the immigrants in the U.S. but nothing happens they only make people stay in this country hoping that the legislators and members of the congress will fulfill the promises they made. Why they do that? Is it because they know that a lot of U.S. citizens are children of immigrants? Obama made a promise to the immigrants, he told them that he was going to make a immigration reform in his first year as president, Obama got a lot of votes from U.S. citizens that comes from immigrant families, Do you think that they are going to vote again for him to be re-elected? Is the government getting money from immigrants?  what about all the taxes the government get from the people? What about all the money the government gets when giving tickets for no license? Now if you don’t have a license you have to pay the ticket during three years. Think out of the box, Is it good for the government to get rid of all the illegal immigrants?