Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Do we have a fair government?

he United States of America has the stereotype of being a fair government that cares about all its citizen no matter what. But what is a fair government? We are supposed to be a fair government that cares about all its citizens, but does the US government care about all its citizens? or only for those that will help the people in the government to get higher positions? In my opinion, the ugly truth is that our government is not as fair as it seems to be. Powerful interest groups make our government corrupt and only rich people get the benefits of it.  Does the United States of America have the worst government? The Answer will vary, and it depends on the person answering the question. In my opinion, our country has its bad and good sides. I think that the United States of America does not have the worst government in the world but does not have the best either. I also believe that “ the perfect government” does not exist, and humans cannot have too many power because they will take all the advantages of their power for their own benefits and they will forget about the poor or the weakest people. I think that the congress has too many power and that’s  not fair because the decisions of congress will have an impact on the lives of all US citizens. We are a big nation and is almost impossible to have all the people happy, so think about other places like Cuba or China. I think the US government is doing well even though is not the best government in the world, we are not under a totalitarian or communist government. I think that we need to take action and get involved in our national and state governments.

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