Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Would The Dream Come True?

The Article "Dream Time" posted on nytimes.com talks about an amendment that could give citizenship to young immigrants that could earn a college degree or serve in the military for at least two years. This article is worth reading because amendments and promises like this one makes people stay here hopping that they will get their residence or “green card”, some people and members of the senate wants immigrants out of the U.S. but they don’t realize that sometimes they give them hope to stay.
 The article is interesting but the truth is that they decided not to approve that amendment and its ok, but what are they going to do with 11 million people living here without proper documentation? I have seen Hispanic news several times and I only see legislators talking about immigration reforms and affirming that they are going to legalize all the immigrants in the U.S. but nothing happens they only make people stay in this country hoping that the legislators and members of the congress will fulfill the promises they made. Why they do that? Is it because they know that a lot of U.S. citizens are children of immigrants? Obama made a promise to the immigrants, he told them that he was going to make a immigration reform in his first year as president, Obama got a lot of votes from U.S. citizens that comes from immigrant families, Do you think that they are going to vote again for him to be re-elected? Is the government getting money from immigrants?  what about all the taxes the government get from the people? What about all the money the government gets when giving tickets for no license? Now if you don’t have a license you have to pay the ticket during three years. Think out of the box, Is it good for the government to get rid of all the illegal immigrants?


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