Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Global Warming

Global warming is a very serious and important problem that needs to be resolve. I heard that the president and some other leaders got together in 2009 to talk about global warming, but what do they bring home? The only thing they bring home is the hope that they will prevent the increase of global warming. Looks like the government only cares about is making profit and to make themselves look as the best government. People are tire of promises, we want the government to take action, and we want the government to use their power to help prevent the extinction of more animals. The government should use their power to pass laws that helps the prevention of global warming, the government also has the opportunity to talk to some other leaders and by that they can get to a conclusion that can help save the lives of many polar bears and other animals affected by the global warming. Remember that global warming is a change in our environment that can also harm many people. Our job as citizens is to use our public opinion to make the government take action. 

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